Thursday, October 30, 2008

Computers: from the past to the present

Can you answer about... ?

the device used in China as a calculating machine
the first mechanical calculator
the scientist considered the "father of computing"
the machine used by H. Hollerith in 1890 to read the US census
the computer developed by Konrad Zuse in 1941
the digital computer built by engineers at IBM and H. Aiken in 1950
the device designed by Alan Turing to perform logical operations
the giant machine which had more than 2,000 vacuum tubes
the company that designed the first microprocessor in 1971
the creators of Microsoft
the first computer with a graphical user interface and a mouse
the main uses of the Web and where it was developed

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Greetings from Greece

The students and the teachers of 2nd EPAL Evosmou, in Thessaloniki,Greece
have just joined you !! Greetings to every student and teacher in Europe.

We will be back soon !
Here is a video from us working in another project where we pretent we are bussinesmen!
Next time we will talk about puting titles and adding effects in out digital video clip.

Building the Digital Age

An interesting PDF document
BBC News

Computer History Museum

You can also visit their video collection on youtube.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

Italian students at work!

Have a look at my 4Bi students working on our eTwinning project!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hi! From Carole...

I am a teacher of English from France, in Verona working with Fiorenza. She is a wonderful teacher and great partner involved in various European projects and especially in our Leonardo project: "Mon devenir dans l'Europe" a 5 week experience (cultural and work) in Verona.
Today we will have a look around the town, the school and taste specialities!!!
Hope to take part in the project
Carole Dupont
Lycee La Chataigneraie
Normandy (near Rouen and not far from Paris)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

CCNA 2 - Module 1

Portuguese students will start on next tuesday Module 1 of CCNA 2.

I must show to students how router configuration relates to the Internet, which is a global internetwork made possible by routers. Students will learn the difference between WANs and LANs, and will identify WAN connections, encapsulations, and protocols.

Students who complete this module should be able to:
- Identify organizations responsible for WAN standards
- Explain the difference between WANs and LANs and the types of addresses they use
- Describe the role of a router in a WAN
- Identify internal components of a router and describe their functions
- Describe the physical characteristics of a router
- Connect Ethernet, serial WAN, and console ports

At the end of each module they shall do the Cisco Systems exam.

- Use powerpont presentations
- Read the Cisco Systems curriculum
- Use the simulator Packet Tracer
- Work with the Cisco bundle of routers and switches

Polish students' participation in the project.

Polish classes content is based on the coursebook Infotech
“English for computers users”

I am an English teacher who provides exta lessons for students who study ICT . They are based on the coursebook mentioned above. My students ,involved in the project, are from 3rd and 4th form ( the last year students just before final exams which will take part in May). The content of the classes:
3rd form(aged 18/19):
- Computer applications
- What is inside a PC system?
- Bying a computer (suitable products available on the market)
- Capture your favourite image (using different input devices)
- Viewing the output (monitors or VDU)
- Choosing a printer
3rd and 4th form
- I/O devices for the disabled
- Optical breakthrough (discs and drives)
- Operating systems
4th form (aged 19/20):
- Grafical user interface
- Word processing facilities
- Spreadsheets
- Databases
- Faces of the internet
- Computer graphics
- Multimedia magic
- Programming languages

My students have different professional classes depending on specialisation they chose at the beginning of the 3rd form. Some of them are more fluent in operating systems, some in multimedia , the others in graphics. I am sure that they will share their experience with students from other countries writing about the content of their curriculum.